Borrowed Idea – Virtual Coffee Date

Good Morning Friends –

I have been connecting with many of you on IG, I have often wished we could meet in person, or that a bunch of us could sit around a wonderful coffee house and get to chat with each other. I am going to borrow an idea that Tammy from Paper Coterie planted in my head. she directed me to this blog and I thought that maybe I could do this too. So grab a cup of coffee or tea, or a glass of wine and lets chat.

These last few months have been such a journey for me and I am just beginning to feel right side up again. I miss things about me that I have put down due to lack of energy, drive, and just needing to take the time to heal. In the next few weeks I want to be more purposeful about picking up some of those things.

One big thing I miss is my camera, I want to take time to “date” my camera again. Take long walks with nothing in mind but capturing the beauty of life that surrounds me every day.

I want to record in my blog and smash book more of what I am feeling or doing in the moment. The title is Sporadic Blogger for a reason, I am not that great at keeping up on it. But I look back over these last few months and wish a little bit I had written more down.

My one big dream at the moment is to start a jewelry business. I am messing around with some ideas and testing some things, not quite ready to go with it yet.

Work is crazy right now, budget cuts, re-consolidations, bleh – it sucks the energy and creativity right out of me at times. I am looking for ways to minimize that, but it is tough some days to do more than come home, cook dinner and stare at the TV.

One thing that has not suffered over the last few months is my knitting, so many days this is what got me through the day. I find as I am healing it is not such an obsession but still a calming thing for hectic days.

All in all I feel blessed and content with this life I have been given. I have an amazing husband who is supportive in all ways. He is the love of my life given to me at just the right time. We met about 4 and a half years ago and have been married 2 and a half years. I am still amazed that we found each other. My daughter, Chelsey, is an wonderful woman, much more grounded than I was at her age.

Tell me about you – your dreams, your loves, what keeps you going each day. I hope to hear from you –

4 thoughts on “Borrowed Idea – Virtual Coffee Date”

  1. Thank you so much for having us over for coffee and telling us a little more about you, Bev! I think that you are sounding ready to get back into the swing of things. It takes time and sometimes we just need to take that time to feel the breadth and width of our situation. I wish you much creative inspiration to help put some wind in your sails!


  2. Maegan –
    Thanks for stopping in. I hope you had a relaxing weekend.
    I have met so many wonderful people on IG, this seemed like a nice way to get to know more about them.
    Happy Week – ❤


  3. Hi Bev. Thanks for inviting me over for coffee, sorry I’m late! Was out and about with my husband and two sons (8 and 6) yesterday in London. I live in England on the south coast near Bournemouth, it’s a lovely part of the country. I enjoyed taking lots of photos yesterday, mostly on my iPhone, which I love. But I do feel that I’ve been neglecting my Canon DSLR. Even though I use a professional Nikon for work, I am feeling the need to just go out and hear that shutter sound from my own camera. I’ve also been neglecting my blog, I’ve only made one entry since January. I guess my time has been spent with my iPhone taking photos and uploading them to instagram instead.
    It’s the beginning of the Easter holidays here and I’m looking to address the whole balance thing. So much I want to catch up on, Project Life for a start, I’m way behind on that too. Well that’s probably enough chat from me, thanks for listening! I look forward to having coffee and a chat with you again soon! X


    1. Jo –

      Thank you for stopping by. I saw your pictures of London. Looks like you had a great time.

      I often wish I could meet the wonderful people I am in contact with on IG, but I guess an occasional virtual coffee date will have to do.

      I enjoy your photos, and I too have neglected my Canon since I got my iPhone. I am hoping Spring will inspire me.

      I have seen the Project Life albums, I am pretty sure I could not keep up with it so I am trying the Smash Book way of journaling. So far I like it.

      Have a great week, and thanks again for stopping by.

      ❤ – Bev


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